Pelvic floor physio treats pain, weakness and dysfunction of the pelvic floor muscles. Experiencing bladder leakage, incomplete voiding, urgency, having a prolapse, pain with sexual intercourse, inserting a tampon or any form of pelvic pain are all things pelvic floor physio can help with. The goal of pelvic floor physiotherapy is to improve the function of the pelvic floor though education, exercises, hands on treatment as needed.
Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy
Treat pelvic pain and dysfunction, help improve bladder control, comfort, and muscle strength.
About Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy
What to Expect at Your First Visit
A comprehensive health history. Questions will be asked regarding your gynaecology history , your bowel and bladder routine, sexual function, past injuries and trauma. The physical exam can involve external and internal assessment based on your comfort level, yet internal is not a requirement