Acupuncture & Tradition Chinese Medicine is one of the oldest healing systems in the world and is over 3,000 year old. TCM is a complete medical system and we treat the body as a whole, on the physical, emotional and mental level. An Acupuncturist seeks to restore energy, circulation, health and balance.
Your Acupuncturist will design an personal treatment based on your individual needs and health concerns. The Modality of Acupuncture not only treats the muscle also known as Western Acupuncture but treats the body as a whole helping to regulate energy, blood and fluids. Acupuncture can improve blood flow, relax muscles, release endorphins, reduce inflammation, regulate various hormones and calm the central nervous system. TCM Acupuncture looks at how injuries, emotions, diet and the environment can influence our bodies. Acupuncture treats your body rather than the signs and symptoms.
With safety and comfort at the upmost importance, the goal is to see you symptom free. TCM Acupuncture treatments are highly individualized. Two patients with the same condition will not be treated the same way. You do not need a reason to get Acupuncture. Prevention is very important as well as maintaining your best energy and health.