Imagine life without pain.

Chiropractic & Laser Therapy Services

Initial Chiropractic/Laser Therapy Exam $110
Initial Exam with X-Rays (at Dr. discretion) $170
Subsequent Chiropractic $60
Subsequent Laser $40
Children & Students
Initial Infant/Child (0-10) $65 (30 min visit)
Initial Student (11-18) $75 (45 min visit)
Subsequent Visit $40

Massage Therapy Services

30 Minutes $55
60 Minutes $98.75
90 Minutes $150

Physiotherapy Services

Initial Physio Assessment $110
Physio Re-assessment $95
Follow-up Physiotherapy $80
Initial Video Consult $100
Follow-up Video Consult $70
Functional Scan $70
Initial Nordic Poling $100
Subsequent Nordic Poling $70

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

Initial Pelvic Floor Physio $150
Follow-up Pelvic Floor Physio $120

Nutritional Counselling

Initial Nutrition Assessment $125
Follow-up Nutritional Counselling $75
Please note: We direct bill to Manulife, Great West Life, Blue Cross, Chambers of Commerce, and Sunlife.